Gathering with friends, mentors, and peers while enjoying a cigar and some Scotch has long been an integral part of working in strategy (at least in the U.S. community). Beginning in the summer of 2013, Nate Finney started gathering of folks interested in strategy to converse over cigars and libations in Washington, DC - leading the effort into a form of "new model" mentoring. It quickly grew as word of mouth spread - apparently the DC area is a hub for the strategically-minded.
Since that time, these gatherings have grown, including a chapter in DC, Carlisle PA, Boston MA, and beyond. These gatherings have become a diverse and changing group of policy wonks, strategists, think tankers, academics, researchers, authors, analysts, and more from all walks of life. These gatherings host speakers at several venues on a monthly basis to talk strategy, the military art, and the profession of national security.
CigarS, Scotch, & Strategy — Washington, DC
If you live in the DC area (or find yourself in town) and interested in strategy, CS&S would love to have you join the monthly gatherings. You can contact the current group's viceroy, Marc Schanz and ask to join the email list. When you email, make sure to let him know 1) who you are, 2) what brings you to the area, 3) and what your interests are!
Update: As of 2024, this group is no longer regularly meeting. Mr. Schanz does maintain the group email list, however, in the event gatherings restart in the future.
"Cogito, Agnosco, Confero"
Carlisle Strategy Sessions — Carlisle, PA
If you live in Central Pennsylvania (or find yourself at the U.S. Army War College) and interested in strategy, CSS would love to have you join our monthly gatherings. You can contact the current group's Hosts Al Lord, JP Clark, or Bill Ault and ask to join the email list. When you email, make sure to let them know 1) who you are, 2) what brings you to the area, 3) and what your interests are!
"Cogito, Agnosco, Confero"
The Strategy Bridge Boston (TSB2) — Cambridge, MA
The Strategy Bridge Team is sponsoring gatherings for the strategic minded in the Boston area, and we’d love for you to be a part of it. Watch for announcements on Facebook and Twitter or email the organizers, Jeremy Gwinn and Justin DeShazor.