4Q23 Call for Strategy Bridge Submissions: The State of Civil-Military Relations

The Strategy Bridge explores the state of civil-military relations in the United States and beyond for the final quarterly series of 2023. What are the most pressing issues to consider? What overlooked issues may be key to understanding, influencing, and managing the future of civil-military relations? These two-wide ranging questions could be framed in a number of ways, but we envision publishing essays providing our readers with insights into:

  • The historiographical development of scholarship on civil-military relations

  • Contemporary civil-military relations in the United States

  • Trends in contemporary civil-military relations on other continents

  • Short- and long-term indicators and important correlations regarding coups

  • Characteristics of civil-military relations in autocracies, theocracies, democracies, and other governmental forms

  • Insights on civil-military relations in peacetime and wartime (or across the conflict continuum)

  • What it means for military officers to be political and what it means for them to be partisan

  • How the nexus of the people, the state, and the military shape civil-military relations

  • Factors enabling successful civil-military relations and the factors at odds with them

  • Civilian perspectives and responsibilities with respect to civil-military relations, both government (Executive, Congressional, etc.) and civil society 

Submissions should conform to our submission guidelines. They should be concisely written, 1000-2000 words in length (excluding citations), and must include appropriate footnotes formatted consistent with the Chicago Manual of Style. We highly encourage writers to download our submissions template to save time and to ensure that your submission aligns with our editorial requirements.

Submissions should be scoped narrowly enough to make a complete and meaningful argument backed up by compelling evidence. All submissions must be received no later than 21 October 2023. Those submissions selected for publication will be published beginning in December 2023. 

We know our community will have ideas to add to this conversation and we look forward to reading your writing!

The Strategy Bridge is read, respected, and referenced across the worldwide national security community—in conversation, education, and professional and academic discourse.

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Header Image: Champs-Elysees, Paris, France, 2017 (Manu Sanchez).
