4Q22 Call for Strategy Bridge Submissions

Perspectives matter. Susan Colbourn pointedly explains, “The scholarly obsession in the United States with centering the United States is stunting our ability to analyse foreign affairs, leading too many of us to assume the United States can influence everything.”[1]

How can we escape this tendency to center the U.S.? What perspectives become available when we do that? How do differing perspectives drive miscalculation?

These questions focus the fourth quarter series of 2022 at The Strategy Bridge. We seek submissions that specifically and explicitly address these questions.

We eagerly await your creative, insightful perspectives!

Submissions should conform to our submission guidelines. They should be concisely written, 1000-2000 words in length (excluding citations), and must include appropriate footnotes formatted consistent with the Chicago Manual of Style.

Submissions should be scoped narrowly enough to make a complete and meaningful argument that is backed up by evidence. All submissions must be received no later than 26 September 2022. Those submissions selected for publication will be published beginning in early November. We highly encourage writers to download our submissions template to save you time and to ensure that your submission comports with our editorial requirements.

We know our community of readers, thinkers, and writers will have ideas to add to this conversation.

We can’t wait to read your writing!

The Strategy Bridge is read, respected, and referenced across the worldwide national security community—in conversation, education, and professional and academic discourse.

Thank you for being a part of The Strategy Bridge community. Together, we can #BuildTheBridge.

Header Image: Viewing Machine, 2019 (Nadine Shaabana).


[1] Susan Colbourn (@secolbourn) on Twitter, 19 May 2022, 12:05 PM, https://twitter.com/secolbourn/status/1527334581275222019