2Q22 Call for Strategy Bridge Submissions

What is the greatest weakness of the U.S. in the national security arena? What threat is most likely to blindside the U.S. and its allies, to catch them unaware or unprepared?

These questions serve to focus the second quarter series of 2022 at The Strategy Bridge. We seek submissions that specifically address these questions. Contributors may consider using some of the following ideas to help frame their responses. What is: 

  • The nature of the weakness?

  • The reasons for the weakness?

  • The nature of the threat?

  • The reasons the U.S. and its allies might be blindsided?

  • The best way or ways for the U.S. to address the weakness.

Submissions should conform to our submission guidelines. Submissions should be concisely written, 1000-2000 words in length (excluding citations), and must include appropriate footnotes formatted consistent with the Chicago Manual of Style.

Submissions should be scoped narrowly enough to make a complete and meaningful argument that is backed up by evidence. All submissions must be received no later than 28 March 2022. Those submissions selected for publication will be published beginning in late May. We highly encourage writers to download our submissions template to save you time and to ensure that your submission comports with our editorial requirements.

We know our community of readers, thinkers, and writers will have ideas to add to this conversation

Get writing!

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Header Image: Weakest Link (Career Intelligence)