Rowan Wise holds a Bachelor’s Undergraduate Degree in Politics from Queen’s University Belfast. His research focuses on strategic studies as well as the defense and national security affairs of the United States of America and the United Kingdom. He writes about Ballistic Missile Defense, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, and Intelligence Surveillance Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance. Rowan lives in Northern Ireland, United Kingdom. Follow Rowan on Twitter @RowanWise1.
David Retherford
David Retherford has an undergraduate degree from the University of Florida and a Master’s degree from the University of Birmingham in the UK. David is currently working on his second Master’s with a research focus on American intelligence gathering during the First World War. David has a passionate obsession with organizational development and knowledge transfer systems. He lives and works in Tampa Bay, Florida with his wife and three children.
Follow David on Twitter @HistorianDavid.