
Embedding Creativity in Professional Military Education: Understanding Creativity and Its Implementation

Embedding Creativity in Professional Military Education: Understanding Creativity and Its Implementation

This article is a call for professional military education to embrace a deeper, richer, and more thoughtful discussion on the phenomenon of creativity and its integration into curriculum. Indeed, we argue it is an essential ingredient in any equation that seeks to produce intellectual overmatch in a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world. The deliberate investment in creativity within professional military education is a meaningful step towards equipping the uniformed services to see beyond what the adversary can contemplate.

What Happens in White Space Should Not Stay in White Space: Fomenting Creativity in Professional Military Education

What Happens in White Space Should Not Stay in White Space: Fomenting Creativity in Professional Military Education

Numerous individuals have commented on how to improve professional military education…Creativity tends to receive a brief nod in these discussions, but the concept is only mentioned and almost never discussed, with no ideas for fostering it.

Idealogues: An Innovative Approach to Growing Small Unit Creativity

Idealogues: An Innovative Approach to Growing Small Unit Creativity

Innovation is a powerful term in today’s defense lexicon. We desire a flexible and adaptable service member, enhanced and intuitive technology, and creative and niche-capable organizations. To make this happen, many military leaders have railed against the status quo with respect to problem-solving approaches and bureaucracy. The purpose of this article is to describe what an innovative change can look like in the form of junior leader engagement, introducing our concept of the idealogue.